Some interesting reagents

Cytometry Resources

Staining and blocking buffers

Thermo FisherBD BioscienceMiltenyi BiotecBeckman CoulterCytek BioscienceBiolegend
Staining buffereBioscience™ Flow cytometry Staining BufferBD Pharmingen™ Stain Buffer (BSA)

BD Pharmingen™ Stain Buffer (FBS)
--Flow Staining Buffer (1X)Cell Staining Buffer
Special Stain Buffer (used with some specific dyes)Invitrogen™ Brilliant Stain Buffer

Super Bright Complete Staining Buffer
BD Horizon™ Brilliant Stain Buffer-SuperNova Staining Buffer--
Fc Receptor blocking solution-BD Fc Block™ ReagentsMACS ® FcR Blocking Reagents--TruStain FcX™ (human)

TruStain FcX™ PLUS (mouse)

True-Stain monocyte Blocker™
Buffer for cell sorting-BD FACS™ Pre-Sort BufferautoMACS® Running Buffer – MACS® Separation Buffer MACS® ---

Fixation/Permeabilization buffers

Thermo FisherBD BioscienceMiltenyi BiotecBeckman CoulterCytek BioscienceBiolegend
FoxP3Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Set-FoxP3 Staining Buffer SetPerFix-ncFoxP3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer KitFOXP3 Fix/Perm Buffer Set
Nuclear Protein or transcription factorsTranscription Factor Buffer SetTranscription Factor Staining Buffer SetTrue-Nuclear™ Transcription Factor Buffer Set
Intracellular stainingIntracellular Fixation & Permeabilization BufferBD Cytofix/Cytoperm™ solutionInside Stain KitIntraPrep Permeabilization ReagentPerm Buffer + Fixation BufferCyto-Fast™ Fix/Perm Buffer Set

Nuclear Factor Fixation and permeabilisation Buffer Set
Protein transport inhibitor Brefeldin A
BD Golgi stop™ (BrefeldinA)BD GolgiPlug™ (Monensin)--Brefeldin A
Brefeldin A
Stimulation (cytokines)Fonction of the cytokines, stimulation from 4 to 6 hours prior to staining is necessary with PMA (50-100ng/ml) plus ionomycin (1µg/ml) or LPS (100ng/ml)

Viability dyes

  • Two main types of viability marker can be used to exclude dead cells by flow cytometry.
    • DNA-binding markers (7AAD, DAPI, propidium iodide, etc.) can only penetrate the cell if membrane integrity is compromised. De facto, these dyes can only be used on non-permeabilized cells.
    • Fixable viability markers are markers that react with the amine functions of proteins. Living cells are impermeable to the dye, so only their surface is marked, whereas dead cells allow the dye to enter the cytoplasm, increasing the amount of protein marked. These markers have the advantage of being used with a fixation and permeabilization protocol. Live cells are lightly labeled, hence the importance of correct titration.

Staining with amine reactive Dyes

Staining with DNA binding Dyes

Thermo FisherBD BioscienceMiltenyi BiotecBeckman CoulterCytek BioscienceBiolegend
Fixable - Amine reactive DyesLIVE/DEAD DyesFixable viability StainViobility™ Fixable DyesViaKrome™ Fixable viability DyesGhost Dye™ Viability Dyes

Zombie Fixable viability
DNA DyesHoechst33342, PI, DAPI, 7AAD or Draq7

We provide users with viability markers compatible with a fixation step (Fixable Viability Stain from BD Biosciences). 

The table below lists the markers available on our platform.

Compensation beads

Counting beads

Thermo FisherBD BioscienceMiltenyi BiotecBeckman CoulterCytek BioscienceBiolegend
Absolute cell counting beadsCountBright™BD™ Liquid Counting Beads-Fluorospheres Flow-Count-Precision Count Beads™

Specific applications

A wide range of application-specific reagents are also available from your distributors. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. By way of example, here are a few possible applications via flow cytometry.

  • Cell proliferation (CellTrace™, CFSE, Ki67, BrdU, etc)
  • Cell cycle (DNA content dyes ± BrdU, etc)
  • Detection of reactive oxygen species (Mito-Sox, H2DCFDA, DAF-FM, DHR-123, etc)
  • Apoptosis (Annexin V/DNA dye, Caspase 3-7 or 9 activities, etc.)
  • Mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1)
  • Intracellular calcium flow